Nutrition of the earwig Forficula vicaria Semenov, 1902 (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) in the Russian Far East




earwigs, food, polyphagy, larvae, imago, Primorsky Krai, Dermaptera, Forficulidae, Forficula vicaria


This article is the first to analyze the feeding habits of F. vicaria in natural habitats and laboratory conditions. F. vicaria has been found to change food preferences during the growing season. In spring, nymphs of younger instars feed on semi-digested food regurgitated by the female. In June–July, nymphs of older instar stages are active predators. In July, adults continue their predatory lifestyle. In August–September, they switch mainly to plant food. In October, while constructing overwintering nests and laying eggs, females do not feed. The obtained results provide a general view of the importance of F. vicaria in agrocenoses of the Russian Far East.



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Quarrell, S. R., Corkrey, R., Allen, G. R. (2020) Cherry damage and the spatial distribution of European earwigs, (Forficula auricularia L.) in sweet cherry trees. Pest Management Science, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 159–167.

Semenov, A. P. (1902) Dermatoptera nova aut minus cognita. I. Revue Rosse d’Entomologie, vol. 2, pp. 99–102.


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Binns, M. R., Macfadyen, S., Umina, P. A. (2021) The dual role of earwigs (Dermaptera) in winter grain crops in Australia. Journal of Applied Entomology, vol. 146, no. 3, pp. 272–283. (In English)

Capinera, J. L. (2008) Encyclopedia of Entomology. 2nd ed. Heidelberg: Springer Science & Business Media Publ., 2061 p. (In English)

Capinera, J. L. (2020) Order Dermaptera — Earwigs. Ch. 6. Handbook of vegetable pests. 2nd ed. New York: Academic Press, pp. 205–209. (In English)

Crumb, S. E., Eide, P. M., Bonn, A. E. (1941) The European earwig. Technical Bulletin. United States Department of Agriculture, no. 766, 76 p. (In English)

Dib, H., Sauphanor, B., Capowiez, Y. (2017) Report on the life history traits of the generalist predator Forficula auricularia (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) in organic apple orchards in southeastern France. The Canadian Entomologist, vol. 149, no. 1, pp. 56–72. (In English)

Dobler, R., Kölliker, M. (2010) Kin-selected siblicide and cannibalism in the European earwig. Behavioral Ecology, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 257–263. (In English)

Fulton, B. B. (1924) The European earwig. Station Bulletin. Oregon Agricultural College Experiment Station, vol. 207, 29 p. (In English)

Helyer, N., Cattlin, N. D., Brown, K. C. (2014) Biological control in plant protection: A colour handbook, 2nd ed. London: CRC Press, 276 p. (In English)

Hill, M. P. Binns, M., Umina, P. A. et al. (2018) Climate, human influence and the distribution limits of the invasive European earwig, Forficula auricularia, in Australia. Pest Management Science, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 134–143. (In English)

Каnyukova, Е. V., Маrkova, Т. О., Маslov, М. V. (2023) Leaf-footed bugs (Heteroptera, Coreidae) damaging red raspberry in the south of Primorsky Krai Amurskij zoologicheskij zhurnal — Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 231–243. (In English)

Kirkland, L. S., Maino, J., Stuart, O., Umina, P. A. (2020) Ontogeny in the European earwig (Forficula auricularia) and grain crops interact to exacerbate feeding damage risk. Journal of Applied Entomology, vol. 144, no. 7, pp. 605–615. (In English)

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Lordan, J., Alegre, S., Blanco, R. et al. (2014) Aggregation behavior in the European earwig: Response to impregnated shelters. Crop Protection, vol. 65, pp. 71–76. (In English)

Macfadyen, S., Moradi-Vajargah, M., Umina, P. A. et al. (2019) Identifying critical research gaps that limit control options for invertebrate pests in Australian grain production systems. Austral Entomology, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 9–26. (In English)

Маrkova, Т. О., Каnyukova, Е. V., Маslov, М. V. (2021) Morphometric characteristics of juvenile growth in Molipteryx fuliginosa (Uhler) (Heteroptera, Coreidae) from the South of the Russian Far East. Amurskij zoologicheskij zhurnal — Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 471–479. (In English)

Маrkova, Т. О., Маslov, М. V. (2023) Reproductive behavior of Forficula vicaria Semenov, 1902 (Dermaptera, Forficulidae). Entomological Review, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 15–20. (In English)

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Markova, T. O., Maslov, M. V., Storozhenko, S. Yu. (2022) Phenology of Forficula vicaria Semenov, 1902 (Dermaptera, Forficulidae) in the South of the Russian Far East. Entomological Review, vol. 102, no. 8, pp. 1051–1057. (In English)

Nishikawa, M., Han, C. (2015) Record of Dermaptera from DPR Korea. Tettigonia, vol. 10, pp. 11–15. (In English)

Orpet, R. J., Crowder, D. W., Jones, V. P. (2019) Biology and management of European earwig in orchards and vineyards. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, vol. 10, no. 1, article 21. (In English)

Plants of the World Online (2022) Board of Trustees for the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [Online]. Available at: (accessed 14.03.2024). (In English)

Powell, J. A. (2009) Dermaptera. In: V. H. Resh, R. T. Cardé (eds.). Encyclopedia of insects. New York: Academic Press, pp 372–375. (In English)

Quarrell, S. R., Corkrey, R., Allen, G. R. (2020) Cherry damage and the spatial distribution of European earwigs, (Forficula auricularia L.) in sweet cherry trees. Pest Management Science, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 159–167. (In English)

Semenov, A. P. (1902) Dermatoptera nova aut minus cognita. I. Revue Rosse d’Entomologie, vol. 2, pp. 99–102. (In Latin)

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