More on the knowledge of the fauna of Lepidoptera of the Zabelovsky cluster of the Bastak Nature Reserve (southern Far East of Russia)




Lepidoptera, fauna, new records, Bastak Nature Reserve, Zabelovsky cluster, Amur River floodplain, Russian Far East


The paper provides a list of 213 species of Lepidoptera from 21 families collected in 2023 in the floodplain of the Amur River in the Zabelovsky cluster of the Bastak Nature Reserve (Jewish Autonomous Region). Almost all the species (212) were discovered in this territory for the first time. Besides, 63 species from six families are recorded for the first time for the territory of the Bastak Nature Reserve. One species, Herminia innocens Butler, 1879 (Erebidae, Herminiinae), was found for the first time in Russia. The collected specimen is likely a migrant from neighboring areas of China. Two species, Cossus siniaevi Yakovlev, 2004 (Cossidae) and Xylomoia fusei Sugi, 1976 (Noctuidae), were recorded for the first time from the Amur region. They were previously known from Russia by sporadic finds from the southern part of the Primorsky Krai. It has been established that the host plant of C. siniaevi is Populus davidiana (Salicaceae). Eleven species of Lepidoptera are recorded for the first time for the fauna of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast.



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