Mass deaths of birds resulting from window collisions in Ussuriysk in 2023




bird collisions with windowpanes, bird deaths, Eurasian nuthatch, Sitta europaea, anthropogenic impact, bird migrations, glass, windows, Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai


In the autumn of 2023, Ussuriysk, Primorsky Krai, Russia, saw a mass death of migrating birds resulting from collisions with windowpanes. Previously, in 2019, we published a paper on the same issue. The present paper assesses the death of birds from collisions with windowpanes in Ussuriysk in the autumn of 2023. It also identifies new patterns of bird collisions with glass. The observations recorded 489 cases of collisions of 12 bird species with windowpanes, of which 479 resulted in the death of birds. Again, as in 2019, the absolute majority of affected birds were Eurasian nuthatches (Sitta europaea).



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