New species of moths (Lepidoptera, Macroheterocera) in the fauna of the Bureinsky Nature Reserve (Russia, Khabarovsky Region)




Lepidoptera, Macroheterocera, fauna, new records, ranges expansion, climate change, Bureinsky Nature Reserve, Khabarovsky Region


Two families (Sesiidae, Saturniidae) and ten species of Macroheterocera are reported for the first time for the fauna of the Bureinsky Nature Reserve: Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rottemburg, 1775), Synanthedon culiciformis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Sesiidae), Nordstromia grisearia (Staudinger, 1892), Sabra harpagula (Esper, 1786), Cilix filipjevi Kardakoff, 1928 (Drepanidae), Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1758) (Saturniidae), Deilephila askoldensis (Oberthür, 1879) (Sphingidae), Macrobrochis staudingeri (Alpheraky, 1897), Dolgoma cribrata (Staudinger, 1887), and Manulea atratula (Eversmann, 1847) (Arctiidae). East Asian subboreal species C. filipjevi, N. grisearia, D. askoldensis, M. staudingeri, and D. cribrata were found in mountain taiga habitats that are not typical for them, far to the north of the previously known boundaries of their ranges. This may indicate the expansion of their ranges to the north due to climate change. A record of the mountain-boreal species M. atratula is the second in Khabarovsky Region. The article also provides data about new localities of Euthrix potatoria (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lasiocampidae), Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Sphingidae), Arctia flavia (Fuessly, 1779), and A. lapponica lemniscata Stichel, [1912] (Arctiidae). Previously, they were known from single specimens from the Bureinsky Nature Reserve.



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