Finds of sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) in the Khabarovsk krai reserves
sawflies, Symphyta, new records, reserve, Khabarovskii KraiAbstract
The article provides a list of 70 sawflies collected in the Khabarovsk Krai reserves. Thus, 56 species of Symphyta were found in the Bolshekhekhtsirsky Reserve, among which 41 species turned out to be new to the reserve; 3 species were found in the Bolonsky Reserve; 2 species in the Anyui National Park; 14 species in the Botchinsky Reserve and 6 species in the Tumninsky landscape reserve. Among the found species the following are new for the Khabarovsk Krai: Trichiosoma lucorum, T. melanopygum, Arge pagana, A. pullata, A. ustulata, Aproceros leucopoda, Dolerus aericeps, D. cothurnatus, D. elderi, D. gessneri, D. lewisii, D. nigratus, D. novograblenovi, D. gilvipes, D. haematodes, D. variegatus, D. vulneratus, Thrinax contigua, Stethomostus funereus, Ametastegia equiseti, A. pallipes, Allantus luctifer, Aglaostigma nebulosum, Pachyprotasis simulans, Tenthredopsis nassata, Pamphilius balteatus, Urocerus antennatus, and Xoanon matsumurae. The article also provides data on feed plants of larvae for all the species and the specifics of species distribution.
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