Morphometric characteristics of juvenile growth in Molipteryx fuliginosa (Uhler) (Heteroptera, Coreidae) from the South of the Russian Far East




Heteroptera, Coreidae, Molipteryx fuliginosa, immature stages, juvenile dynamics, larvae, imago, Russian Far East


The paper provides original data on the duration of each instar period, growth dynamics, and morphometric characteristics of the preimaginal development up to the adult stage in Molipteryx fuliginosa (Uhler, 1860). The data were obtained by observations under natural and close-to-natural conditions in the South of the Russian Far East. Nymphal instars in M. fuliginosa have the following duration (days): 5–7 (m = 6.0 ± 0.87) (instar I); 13–16 (m = 14.5 ± 1.19) (II); 7–8 (m = m=7.5 ± 0.54) (III); 11–23 (m = 16.6 ± 3.93) (IV); and 19–38 (m = 27.9 ± 5.96) (V). With each molt, nymphs grow in size. The increases in body length and width are quite proportional at all the stages and account for 1.2–1.5 times. In instar II nymph, before the emergence of wing buds, these values are slightly higher: 1.5-fold and 1.4-fold in length and width respectively. The same is observed in instar V during the formation of sex differences: the body length increases 1.3-fold in ♂ and 1.5-fold in ♀. In the longest stage of development, the width of ♂ increases 1.2-fold, while the width of ♀ increases 1.4-fold. In middle-instar (III) nymph, the body growth rate is lower than in instar II. This period is marked by the development of the externally visible distinguishing traits of instar III nymphs — the tips of wing pads and the elytral buds. In older nymphs (stages IV and V), the duration of development extends again. The development of wing pads continues, and the sex differences are formed. The ratio of the body lengths of the nymphs relative to the adult body length (A, assumed to be 1) is as follows: I: II: III: IV: V: A = 0.2: 0.3: 0.4: 0.6: 0.8: 1. A comparative analysis of developmental patterns in the leaf-footed bug Molipteryx fuliginosa (Uhler, 1860) and the Far Eastern subspecies of the dock bug Coreus marginatus orientalis (Kiritshenko) (Heteroptera, Coreidae) in the South of Primorsky Territory has shown that the transition from nymph to imago lasts 40–45 days in C. m. orientalis and 55–83 days in M. fuliginosa. The average duration of instar I stage of the two species is similar. However, M. fuliginosa nymphs develop more slowly from instar II to V than C. m. orientalis nymphs by 4, 3, 11, and 13 days, respectively.


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