Recent data on soil nematodes of the families Teratocephalidae and Metateratocephalidae from Primorsky Region, Russia




Oplopanax elatus, soil, Mount Hualaza, Teratocephalus, Euteratocephalus, new species, new genus


In soil samples collected on Mount Hualaza in 2018 (Shkotovsky District, Primorsky Region), three nematode species of the families Teratocephalidae and Metateratocephalidae have been found among the roots of Oplopanax elatus: Teratocephalus lirellus Andrassy, 1969. Two species were identified as new to science. Euteratocephalus montanus sp. n. is distinguished from the other species of the genus by the position of amphids at the base of the head capsule and by the single ovary. Teratocephalon hexahamus sp. n. is distinguished from all known metateratocephalids by the umbrella-like head structure with hooks located near the mouth.



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Andrassy, I. (1958) Erd- und Susswassernematoden aus Bulgarien. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, vol. 4, no. 1-2, pp. 9–1 5. (In German)

Bostrom, S., Holovachov, O., Susulovsky, A. (2000) Study of Teratocephalidae (Nematoda) from the Ukraine. Description of a population Teratocephalus de Man, 1876 with a compendium on species from the “lirellus-group”. Russian Journal of Nematology, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 139–145. (In English)

Eroshenko, A. S. (1973) Novye dannye po taxonomii semejstva Teratotsephalidae Andrassy (Nematoda) [New data on the taxonomy of the family Teratocephalidae Andrassy (Nematoda)]. Zoologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 52, no. 12, pp. 1768–1776. (In Russian)

Karegar, A., de Ley, P., Geraert, E. (1997) Three teratocephalid nematodes from Iran. Fundamental and Applied Nematology, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 459–471. (In English)

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Swart, A., de Waele, D., Heyns, J. (1991) A review of the genus Euteratocephalus Andrassy, 1958, with a description of E. punctatus n. sp. Revue de Nematologie, vol. 14, pp. 551–563. (In English)




