Review of the Asperotobrilus Shoshin 1991 (Nematoda, Triplonchida, Tobrilidae) genus




morphology, taxonomy, free-living nematodes, genus Asperotobrilus Shoshin 1991, Asperotobrilus affinis (Gagarin 1996), comb. nov.


The article provides an overview of the current state of the genus Asperotobrilus Shoshin 1991. All representatives of the genus were previously known from Lake Baikal. Tobrilus affinis Gagarin 1996, described from river Yenisey near Dudinka (Eastern Siberia, Russia) is transferred to the genus Asperotobrilus: Asperotobrilus affinis (Gagarin, 1996), comb. nov. A table of the main morphological characters of five valid species of the genus Asperotobrilus was compiled, as well as dichotomous and drawing keys for identifying males of species of this genus.



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Цалолихин, С. Я. (1983) Нематоды семейств Tobrilidae и Tripylidae мировой фауны. Л.: Наука, 232 c.

Шошин, А. В. (1991) Два новых вида байкальских нематод отряда Enoplida. Зоологический журнал, т. 70, № 2, с. 132–135.

Andrássy, I. (2007) Free-living nematodes of Hungary: Nematoda Errantia. Vol. 2. Budapest, Hungarian Natural History Museum Publ., 496 p.

Eyualem-Abebe, Traunspurger, W., Michiels, I. C. (2005) Dynamics of freshwater nematodes: Abundance, biomass and diversity. In: Eyualem-Abebe, I. Andrássy, W. Traunspurger (eds.). Freshwater nematodes: Ecology and taxonomy. Wallingford; Cambridge: CABI Publ., pp. 77–93.

Naumova, T. V., Gagarin, V. G. (2019) Review of the free-living nematode (Nematoda) fauna of Lake Baikal. Zootaxa, vol. 4608, no. 1, pp. 101–118.

Shoshin, A. V. (1998) Two new species of Baikal nematodes of the genus Asperotobrilus (Nematoda: Enoplida: Tobrilidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 223–227.

Shoshin, A. V. (2010) A new species of diatom-feeding Asperotobrilus (Nematoda, Triplonchida: Tobrilidae) from Lake Baikal. Zoosystematica Rossica, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 18–22.

Zullini, A. (2005) Order Triplonchida. In: Eyualem-Abebe, I. Andrássy, W. Traunspurger (eds.). Freshwater nematodes: Ecology and taxonomy. Wallingford; Cambridge: CABI Publ., pp. 293–325.


Andrássy, I. (2007) Free-living nematodes of Hungary: Nematoda Errantia. Vol. 2. Budapest, Hungarian Natural History Museum Publ., 496 p. (In English)

Eyualem-Abebe, Traunspurger, W., Michiels, I. C. (2005) Dynamics of freshwater nematodes: Abundance, biomass and diversity. In: Eyualem-Abebe, I. Andrássy, W. Traunspurger (eds.). Freshwater nematodes: Ecology and taxonomy. Wallingford; Cambridge: CABI Publ., pp. 77–93. (In English)

Gagarin, V. G. (1996) Svobodnozhivushchie nematody nekotorykh vodoemov poluostrova Tajmyr [Free-living nematodes from some water bodies of Taimyr Peninsula]. Zoologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 333–334. (In Russian)

Naumova, T. V., Gagarin, V. G. (2019) Review of the free-living nematode (Nematoda) fauna of Lake Baikal. Zootaxa, vol. 4608, no. 1, pp. 101–118. (In English)

Shoshin, A. V. (1991) Dva novykh vida bajkal’skikh nematod otryada Enoplida [Two new species of Baikal nematodes of the Enoplida order]. Zoologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 132–135. (In Russian)

Shoshin, A. V. (1998) Two new species of Baikal nematodes of the genus Asperotobrilus (Nematoda: Enoplida: Tobrilidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 223–227. (In English)

Shoshin, A. V. (2010) A new species of diatom-feeding Asperotobrilus (Nematoda, Triplonchida: Tobrilidae) from Lake Baikal. Zoosystematica Rossica, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 18–22. (In English)

Tsalolikhin, S. Ya. (1983) Nematody semejstv Tobrilidae i Tripylidae mirovoj fauny [Nematodes of the families Tobrilidae and Tripylidae of the world fauna]. Leningrad: Nauka Publ., 232 p. (In Russian)

Zullini, A. (2005) Order Triplonchida. In: Eyualem-Abebe, I. Andrássy, W. Traunspurger (eds.). Freshwater nematodes: Ecology and taxonomy. Wallingford; Cambridge: CABI Publ., pp. 293–325. (In English)






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