Два новых для науки вида свободноживущих нематод (Nematoda, Monhysterida) из устья реки Меконг, Вьетнам
https://doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2021-13-4-536-549Ключевые слова:
Вьетнам, устье р. Меконг, свободноживущие нематоды, новые виды, Sphaerotheristus rivalis sp. nov., Daptonema lissum sp. nov.Аннотация
В статье приведено иллюстрированное описание двух новых для науки видов нематод из отряда Monhysterida, обнаруженных в дельте реки Меконг, Вьетнам. Sphaerotheristus rivalis sp. nov. морфологически близок к S. macrostoma Timm, 1968, S. bengalensis Timm, 1968 и S. pseudodentatus Timm, 1968, но имеет более длинное тело и своеобразную структуру спикул. Daptonema lissum sp. nov. морфологически близка к трем видам: D. donghaiensis Wang, An, Huang, 2018, D. minutum (Jurio, 1974) и D. alternum (Wieser, 1956). От первого отличается относительно более короткими внешними губными щетинками, более короткими спикулами и более дальним положением вульвы от переднего конца тела. От D. minutum новый вид отличается более длинным телом, менее стройным хвостом, более длинными спикулами и более близким положением фовей амфидов по отношению к переднему концу тела. От D. alternum новый вид отличается более коротким и толстым телом, менее стройным хвостом, более длинными спикулами, относительно более короткими щетинками и более близким положением фовей амфидов по отношению к переднему концу тела.
Библиографические ссылки
Гагарин, В. Г. (2014) Два новых вида свободноживущих нематод (Nematoda, Sphaerolaimidae) из мангровых зарослей в дельте реки Красной, Вьетнам. Амурский зоологический журнал, т. VI, № 1, с. 3–11.
Гагарин, В. Г. (2020) Viscosia brientaris sp. nov. и Halalaimus borealis sp. nov. (Nematoda, Enoplida) из устья реки Кэм во Вьетнаме. Амурский зоологический журнал, т. XII, № 1, с. 26–42. https://doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-1-26-42
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Фан Ке Лонг, Нгуен Динь Ты, Гагарин, В. Г. (2020) Daptonema paramonovi sp. n. (Nematoda, Monhysterida) из мангрового биотопа во Вьетнаме. Зоологический журнал, т. 99, № 6, с. 616–621. https://doi.org/10.31857/S0044513420060100
Bezerra, T. N., Eisendle, U., Hodda, M. et al. (2021a) Nemys: World database of Nematodes. Daptonema Cobb, 1920. World Register of Marine Species. [Online]. Available at: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=227302 (accessed 30.09.2021).
Bezerra, T. N., Eisendle, U., Hodda, M. et al. (2021b) Nemys: World database of Nematodes. Sphaerotheristus Timm, 1968. World Register of Marine Species. [Online]. Available at: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=227302 (accessed 30.09.2021).
Gagarin, V. G. (2018) An annotated checklist of the free-living nematodes from mangrove thickets of Vietnam. Zootaxa, vol. 4403, no. 2, pp. 261–288. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4403.2.3
Gagarin, V. G. (2021) Two nematode species new to science of genus Daptonema (Nematoda, Monhysterida) found in artificial reservoirs in Vietnam. Inland Water Biology, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 247–255. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1995082921030068
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2004) Four species of the genus Halalaimus de Man, 1888 (Nematoda: Enoplida) from Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. International Journal of Nematology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 213–220.
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2006) Two new species of free-living nematodes from the mouth of the Cam River, North Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 215–220.
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh (2008) Four new species of Monhysterids (Nematoda: Monhysterida) from mangroves of Mekong River estuaries of Vietnam. Tap chi Sinh hoc, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 16–25. https://doi.org/10.15625/0866-7160/v30n4.5446
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2014) Two new species of the family Xyalidae Chitwood, 1951 (Nematoda, Monhysterida) from the coast of Vietnam. International Journal of Nematology, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 108–116.
Juario, J. V. (1974) Neue freilebende Nematoden aus dem Sublitoral der Deutschen Bucht. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts fur Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 275–303.
Lorenzen, S. (1977) Revision der Xyalidae (freilebende Nematoden) auf der Grundlage einer kritischen Analyse von 56 Arten aus Nord- und Ostsee. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 197–261.
Nguyen Dinh Tu, Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2019) Phan bốva khoa định loại cac loai tuyến trungthuộc giống Daptonema Cobb, 1920 ở Việt nam. Tap chi Sinh hoc, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1–8. https://doi.org/10.15625/0866-7160/v41n1.13016
Nguyen Vu Thanh, Gagarin, V. G. (2005) Two new species of the genus Sphaerotheristus (Nematoda: Monhysterida) from Cam Estuary, Hai Phong. In: The Forth National Conference on Life Sciences. Hanoi: Science and Technics Publ., pp. 294–297.
Tchesunov, A. V., Mokievsky, V. O., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2010) Three new free-living nematode species (Nematoda, Enoplida) from mangrove habitats of Nha Trang, Central Vietnam. Russian Journal of Nematology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 155–173.
Timm, R. W. (1968) Sphaerotheristus (Monhysteridae), a new marine nematode genus. Transactions of the American Microscopic Society, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 157–164.
Wang, Ch., An, L., Nuang, Y. (2018) Two new species of Xyalidae (Monhysterida, Nematoda) from the East China Sea. Zootaxa, vol. 4514, no. 4, pp. 585–592. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4514.4.11
Wieser, W. (1956) Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948–1949. 26. Free-living marine nematodes. III. Axonolaimoidea and Monhysteroidea. Acta Universitets Lund, n. f., avd 2, vol. 52, no. 13, pp. 1–115.
Wieser, W., Hopper, B. (1967) Marine nematodes of the east coast of North America. I. Florida. Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 135, no. 5, pp. 239–344.
Williams, D. D., Williams, N. E. (1974) A counterstaining technique for use in Williams, D. D., Williams, N. E. (1974) A counterstaining technique for use in sorting benthic samples. Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 152–154. https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.1974.19.1.0152
Bezerra, T. N., Eisendle, U., Hodda, M. et al. (2021a) Nemys: World database of Nematodes. Daptonema Cobb, 1920. World Register of Marine Species. [Online]. Available at: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=227302 (accessed 30.09.2021). (In English)
Bezerra, T. N., Eisendle, U., Hodda, M. et al. (2021b) Nemys: World database of Nematodes. Sphaerotheristus Timm, 1968. World Register of Marine Species. [Online]. Available at: http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=227302 (accessed 30.09.2021). (In English)
Gagarin, V. G. (2014) Dva novykh vida svobodnozhivushchikh nematod (Nematoda, Sphaerolimida) iz mangrovykh zaroslej v del’te reki Krasnoj, V’etnam [Two new species of free-living nematodes (Nematoda, Sphaerolaimidae) from mangrove thicket of the Red River Delta, Vietnam]. Amurskij zoologicheskij zhurnal — Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. VI, no. 1, pp. 3–11. (In Russian)
Gagarin, V. G. (2018) An annotated checklist of the free-living nematodes from mangrove thickets of Vietnam. Zootaxa, vol. 4403, no. 2, pp. 261–288. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4403.2.3 (In English)
Gagarin, V. G. (2020) Viscosia brientaris sp. nov. i Halalaimus borealis sp. nov. (Nematoda, Enoplida) iz ust’ia reki Kem vo V’etname [Halalaimus borealis sp. nov. and Viscosia orientalis sp. nov. (Nematoda, Enoplida) from the mouth of the Cam River in Vietnam]. Amurskij zoologicheskij zhurnal — Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XII, no. 1, pp. 26–42. https://doi.org/10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-1-26-42 (In Russian)
Gagarin, V. G. (2021) Two nematode species new to science of genus Daptonema (Nematoda, Monhysterida) found in artificial reservoirs in Vietnam. Inland Water Biology, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 247–255. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1995082921030068 (In English)
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2004) Four species of the genus Halalaimus de Man, 1888 (Nematoda: Enoplida) from Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. International Journal of Nematology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 213–220. (In English)
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2006) Two new species of free-living nematodes from the mouth of the Cam River, North Vietnam. Zoosystematica Rossica, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 215–220. (In English)
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2008) Four new species of Monhysterids (Nematoda: Monhysterida) from mangroves of Mekong River estuaries of Vietnam. Tap chi Sinh hoc — Journal of Biology, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 16–25. https://doi.org/10.15625/0866-7160/v30n4.5446 (In English)
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Thi Thu (2008) Svobodnozhivushchie nematody del’ty reki Khoangha, V’etnam [Free-living nematodes from the Red River Delta, Vietnam]. Biologiya vnutrennikh vod, no. 4, pp. 12–17. (In Russian)
Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh (2014) Two new species of the family Xyalidae Chitwood, 1951 (Nematoda, Monhysterida) from the coast of Vietnam. International Journal of Nematology, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 108–116. (In English)
Juario, J. V. (1974) Neue freilebende Nematoden aus dem Sublitoral der Deutschen Bucht [New freeliving Nematodes from the Sublittoral zone of the German Bight]. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts fur Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 275–303. (In German)
Lorenzen, S. (1977) Revision der Xyalidae (freilebende Nematoden) auf der Grundlage einer kritischen Analyse von 56 Arten aus Nord- und Ostsee [Revision of the Xyalidae (free-living nematodes) on the basis of a critical analysis of 56 species from the North and Baltic Seas]. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 197–261. (In German)
Nguyen Dinh Tu, Nguyen Thanh Hien, Gagarin, V. G., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2018) Sostoyanie izucheniya morskikh nematod roda Daptonema Cobb, 1920 (Nematoda, Monhysterida) v estuariyakh i mangrovykh lesakh poberezh’ya V’etnama [The investigating situation of marine nematodes of the genus Daptonema Cobb, 1920 in mangrove and estuary ecosystems of Vietnam coastal sea]. In: Aktual’ny’e problemy osvoeniya biologicheskikh resursov Mirovogo okeana: Materialy V Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tekhnicheskoj konferentsii. Vladivostok, 22–24 maya 2018 g. [Urgent problems of the world ocean biological resources development: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference. Vladivostok, 22–24 May 2018]. Vladivostok: FESTFU Publ., pp. 220–227. (In Russian)
Nguyen Dinh Tu, Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2019) Phan bốva khoa định loại cac loai tuyến trungthuộc giống Daptonema Cobb, 1920 ở Việt nam [Distribution of and key to species of the genus Daptonema Cobb, 1920 in Vietnam]. Tap chi Sinh hoc — Journal of Biology, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1–8. https://doi.org/10.15625/0866-7160/v41n1.13016 (In Vietnamese)
Nguyen Vu Thanh, Gagarin, V. G. (2005) Two new species of the genus Sphaerotheristus (Nematoda: Monhysterida) from Cam Estuary, Hai Phong. In: The Forth National Conference on Life Sciences. Hanoi: Science and Technics Publ., pp. 294–297. (In Vietnamese)
Nguyen Vu Thanh, Gagarin, V. G. (2011) Novyj rod i dva novykh vida morskikh svobodnozhivushchikh nematod iz pribrezhnykh vod Yuzhnogo V’etnama [A new genus and two new species of marine free-living nematodes from coastal waters of southern Vietnam]. Biologya morya, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 357–361. (In Russian)
Phan Ke Long, Nguyen Dinh Tu, Gagarin, V. G. (2020) Daptonema paramonovi sp. n. (Nematoda, Monhysterida) iz mangrovogo biotopa vo V’etname [Daptonema paramonovi sp. n. (Nematoda, Monhysterida) from a mangrove habitat in Vietnam]. Zoologicheskij zhurnal, vol. 99, No 6, pp. 616–621. https://doi.org/10.31857/S0044513420060100 (In Russian)
Tchesunov, A. V., Mokievsky, V. O., Nguyen Vu Thanh. (2010) Three new free-living nematode species (Nematoda, Enoplida) from mangrove habitats of Nha Trang, Central Vietnam. Russian Journal of Nematology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 155–173. (In English)
Timm, R. W. (1968) Sphaerotheristus (Monhysteridae), a new marine nematode genus. Transactions of the American Microscopic Society, vol. 87, no. 2, pp. 157–164. (In English)
Wang, Ch., An, L., Nuang, Y. (2018) Two new species of Xyalidae (Monhysterida, Nematoda) from the East China Sea. Zootaxa, vol. 4514, no. 4, pp. 585–592. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4514.4.11 (In English)
Wieser, W. (1956) Reports of the Lund University Chile Expedition 1948–1949. 26. Free-living marine nematodes. III. Axonolaimoidea and Monhysteroidea. Acta Universitets Lund, n. f., avd 2, vol. 52, no. 13, pp. 1–115. (In English)
Wieser, W., Hopper, B. (1967) Marine nematodes of the east coast of North America. I. Florida. Bulletin Museum of Comparative Zoology, vol. 135, no. 5, pp. 239–344. (In English)
Williams, D. D., Williams, N. E. (1974) A counterstaining technique for use in sorting benthic samples. Limnology and Oceanography, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 152–154. https://doi.org/10.4319/lo.1974.19.1.0152 (In English)
Copyright (c) 2021 Гагарин Владимир Григорьевич, Гусаков Владимир Анатольевич, Ку Нгуен Динь

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