A new genus of Gelechiid moths of the tribe Litini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae: Gelechiinae) from Malaysia


  • Mikhail M. Omelko Federal Scientific Center of East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Natalia V. Omelko Federal Scientific Center of East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences




Gelechiidae, Gelechiinae, Litini, new genus, new species, Malaysia, Borneo


A new genus of Gelechiid moths Invetrix gen. nov., with type species I. bifaria sp. nov., is described from the vicinity of the Tawau Park in Malaysia (Borneo). The new genus combines features common for the genera of two evolutionary branches of the Litini tribe (= Teleiodini) (Teleiodes Sattler, Pseudotelphusa Janse, etc.) and Exoteleiini tribe (Parachronistis Meyrick, Stenolechia Meyrick, etc.). As a result of detailed functional and morphological studies, these taxa have been added to the Litini tribe. According to the androconial apparatus on the 2nd segment of the male abdomen, the new genus is close to the genera Parachronistis Meyrick and Protoparachronistis Omelko from the Litini tribe.



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