First report on late autumn geometer moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from Kunashir Island, Russia (Southern Kurils)


  • Evgeniy A. Beljaev Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS
  • Sergey V. Vasilenko Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS
  • Vladimir V. Dubatolov Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS; Federal State Institution ‘Zapovednoe Priamurie’; Federal State Institution ‘Kurilsky State Nature Reserve’
  • Vadim K. Zinchenko Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS; Federal State Institution ‘Kurilsky State Nature Reserve’



Lepidoptera, Geometridae, fauna, new records, Russia, Kuril Islands, Kunashir


This study presents the first report on the late autumn fauna (mid-October – late November) of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from Kuril Islands, Far East of Russia. A total of 22 species from Kunashir Island were identified, including two species new to Russia: Alsophila inouei Nakajima, 1989 and Inurois punctigera (Prout, 1915). Additionally, nine species are recorded for Kunashir Island for the first time: Erannis golda Djakonov, 1929, Erannis jacobsoni (Djakonov, 1926), Pachyerannis obliquaria (Motschulsky, 1861), Larerannis orthogrammaria Wehrli, 1927, Alsophila japonensis (Warren, 1894), Inurois asahinai Inoue, 1974, Inurois fumosa Inoue, 1944, Operophtera brunnea Nakajima, 1991 and Operophtera relegata Prout, 1908. Taxonomic notes on Erannis jacobsoni and Operophtera brunnea are provided. The ecological characteristics of the flight of imago of ‘winter’ geometrid moths on Kunashir Island are discussed briefly.


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