DOI:Ключевые слова:
Dolgoma, Arctiidae, Lithosiinae, Индо-Малайская область, Ориентальная область, Китай, новый видАннотация
A new species Dolgoma striola sp. nov., is described from the Nanling Mts., northern part of Guangdong, South China. The new species is distinguished by the forewing postdiscal row of small strokes, not spots. Male genitalia with short valves, the shortest in the genus; sacculus apex bulb-shaped, covered with minute spines.
Библиографические ссылки
Černý K., Pinratana A., 2009. Moths of Thailand. Vol. 6. Arctiidae. Bangkok. 283 p.
Daniel F., 1954. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Arctiidae Ostasiens unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ausbeuten von Dr. h. c. H. Höne aus diesem Gebiet (Lep.-Het.) III. Teil: Lithosiinae // Bonner zoologische Beiträge. Bd. 5. Nr. 1-2. S. 89-138, Taf. III.
Dubatolov V.V., Kishida Y., Wang M., 2012. New records of lichen-moths from the Nanling Mts., Guangdong, South China, with description of new genera and species (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Lithosiinae) // Tinea. Vol. 22, No. 1.
Dubatolov V.V., Zolotuhin V.V., 2011. Does Eilema Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Litho- siinae) present one or several genera? // Euroasian entomological journal. T. 10. No 4. P. 367-379, 380, col. plate VII.
Fang Chenglai, 2000. Fauna Sinica. Insecta. Vol. 19. Lepidoptera. Arctiidae. Beijing: Science Press. 590 p., 20 pl. (In Chinese).
Felder C., 1868. Diagnosen neuer von E. Baron v. Ransonnet in Vorder-Indien gesammelter Lepidopteren // Verhandlungen des zoologisch-botanischen Vereins in Wien. Bd. 18. S. 281-286.
Moore F., 1866. On the lepidopterous insects of Bengal // Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London. P. 755-823, pl. XLI-XLIII.
Moore, F., 1878. A Revision of certain Genera of Eu- ropean and Asiatic Lithosiinae, with characters of new Genera and Species // Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London. P. 3-37, pl. 1-3.
Copyright (c) 2012 V. V. Dubatolov, Y. Kishida, M. Wang

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