Photoperiodism of the ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata Motsch. (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) population from Primorsky Krai, Russia
potato ladybird beetle, photoperiod, diapauses, population, seasonal cycleAbstract
Photoperiodism plays a key role in the adaptation of organisms and the synchronization of their life cycles with seasonal climatic changes. It influences various biological processes, including the onset of diapause, changes in reproductive strategies, morphological changes, color polymorphism, growth rates, fertility, and behavior. This study investigates the effect of photoperiod length on diapause induction, fat accumulation, and larval mortality in Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. A photoperiod of 12–18 hours was found to be the most favorable for fat accumulation and preparation for diapause, with 42.1–62.4% of adult beetles entering diapause. Larval mortality ranged from 25.4 to 42.1%. The highest average adult beetle weight (0.3931 mg) was observed under an 18-hour photoperiod. However, when the photoperiod length was extended to 24 hours, larval mortality reached 84.2%, and diapause induction was completely inhibited.
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