First records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Khingan Nature Reserve, Russia
Dolichopodidae, Russian Far East, Amurskaya Oblast, Khingan Nature Reserve, new recordsAbstract
New material of Dolichopodidae has been recently collected in the Khingan Nature Reserve, Amurskaya Oblast, which includes 14 species (all species are new for the Reserve). In total, 86 species are reported in this Region, which apparently make up 45–50% of actual Dolichopodidae regional fauna. Amblypsilopus aff. bouvieri (Parent, 1927), Chrysotimus spinuliferus Negrobov, 1978, Gymnopternus pseudoceler (Stackelberg, 1933), Poecilobothrus flaveolus (Negrobov et Chalaya, 1987) and Sympycnus changaicus Negrobov, 1973are recorded from Priamurye for the first time. This paper also provides the distribution pattern for each collected species. A check-list of Dolichopodidae species known from Amurskaya Oblast is provided.
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