American herring gull Larus smithsonianus Coues, 1862 is a new species for the avifauna of Russia




seabirds, American herring gull, Larus smithsonianus, avifauna of Russia, Sea of Okhotsk


The American herring gull Larus smithsonianus Coues, 1862 inhabits most of the territory of North America. In Asia, the species has been recorded in Japan, South Korea and east China during winter, but there have been no sightings in Russia. This report provides information on the first documented record of the American herring gull in the Russian waters of the Sea of Okhotsk. An adult bird in basic plumage was photographed on 25 January 2015 at coordinates of 51º23’38”N, 154º45’00”E, 120 km from the south-west Kamchatka coast. The analysis of identification signs showed that all of them, without exception, correspond to the variability of the smithsonianus form breeding in the northeastern part of North America. The authenticity of the species identification was confirmed by the Faunistic Section within the Menzbir Ornithological Society.



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Gottschling, M., Haass, N. K., Buchheim, A. (2008) Hinweise zur Unterscheidung der Kanadamöwe Larus smithsonianus von der Silbermöwe L. argentatus. Limicola, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1–29.

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Lehman, P. E. (2019) The birds of Gambell and St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Studies of Western birds. Book 4. Camarillo: Western Field Ornithologists Publ., 360 p.

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Weir, D. N., Kitchener, A. C., McGowan, R. Y. (2000) Hybridization and changes in the distribution of Iceland gulls (Larus glaucoides/kumlieni/thayeri). Journal of Zoology, vol. 252, no. 4, pp. 517–530.


Adriaens, P., Mactavish, B. (2004) Identification of adult American herring gull. Dutch Birding, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 151–179. (In English)

Anderson, C. M., Gilchrist, H. G., Ronconi, R. A. et al. (2019) Winter home range and habitat selection differs among breeding populations of herring gulls in eastern North America. Movement Ecology, vol. 7, no. 1, article 8. (In English)

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Baak, J. E., Mallory, M. L., Anderson, C. M. et al. (2021a) Inter-individual variation in the migratory behaviour of a generalist seabird, the herring gull (Larus smithsoniansus), from the Canadian Arctic. Animal Migration, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 144–155. (In English)

Baak, J. E., Patterson, A., Gilchrist, H. G. et al. (2021b) First evidence of diverging migration and overwintering strategies in glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from the Canadian Arctic. Animal Migration, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 98–109. (In English)

Brazil, M. (2009) Birds of East Asia — China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Russia. London: Christopher Helm Publ., 528 p. (In English)

Brazil, M. (2018) Birds of Japan. London: Helm Publ., 416 p. (In English)

British Ornithologists’ Union. (2008) British Ornithologists’ Union. Records Committee: 36th Report (November 2007). Ibis, vol. 150, no. 1, pp. 218–220. (In English)

Chesser, R. T., Billerman, S. M., Burns, K. J. et al. (2021) Check-list of North American birds. American Ornithological Society. [Online]. Available at: (accessed 12.04.2022). (In English)

Coues, E. (1862) Revision of the gulls of North America; based upon specimens in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, vol. 14, pp. 291–312. (In English)

Del Hoyo, J., Collar, N., Kirwan, G. M. (2017) Arctic herring gull (Larus smithsonianus). In: J. del Hoyo, A. Elliott, J. Sargatal et al. (eds.). Handbook of the birds of the world alive. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions Publ. [Online]. Available at: (accessed 12.04.2022). (In English)

Dickinson, E. C., Remsen, J. V. Jr. (eds.). (2013) The Howard and Moore complete checklist of the birds of the world. Vol. 1. Non-Passerines. 4th ed. Eastbourne: Aves Press, 461 p. (In English)

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Gottschling, M., Haass, N. K., Buchheim, A. (2008) Hinweise zur Unterscheidung der Kanadamöwe Larus smithsonianus von der Silbermöwe L. argentatus [Identification of American herring gull Larus smithsonianus and European herring gull L. argentatus]. Limicola, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1–29. (In German)

Howell, S. N. G., Dunn, J. (2007) Gulls of the Americas. Boston; New York: Houghton Mifflin Publ., 516 p. (In English)

Jonsson, L., Mactavish, B. (2001) American herring gulls at Niagara Falls and Newfoundland. Birders Journal, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 90–107. (In English)

Koblik, E. A., Arkhipov, V. Yu. (2014) Fauna ptits Severnoj Evrazii v granitsakh byvshego SSSR: spiski vidov [Fauna of the birds of the Northern Eurasia’s States (former USSR): Checklists]. Moscow: KMK Scientific Press, 171 p. (In Russian)

Lehman, P. E. (2019) The birds of Gambell and St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Studies of Western birds. Book 4. Camarillo: Western Field Ornithologists Publ., 360 p. (In English)

Moores, N. (2003) Status and distribution of gulls in South Korea, with particular reference to “Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America” (Malling Olsen and Larsson, 2003). Birds Korea. [Online]. Available at: (accessed 12.04.2022). (In English)

Moores, N., Kim, A. (2014) The Birds Korea checklist for the Republic of Korea: 2014. Busan: Birds Korea Publ., 30 p. (In English)

Nechaev, V. A., Ustinova, L. G. (2013) Vstrechi polyarnoj chajki Larus glaucoides na Sakhaline [The records of the Iceland gull on Sakhalin]. Russkij ornitologicheskij zhurnal — The Russian Journal of Ornithology, vol. 22, no. 951, pp. 3460–3463. (In Russian)

Olsen, K. M., Larsson, H. (2003) Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America. London: Christopher Helm Publ., 608 p. (In English)

Ornithological Society of Japan. (2012) Check-list of Japanese birds. 7th ed., rev. Tokyo: Ornithological Society of Japan Publ., 438 p. (In English)

Pierotti, R. J., Good, T. P. (1994) Herring gull (Larus argentatus). In: A. Poole, F. Gill (eds.). The birds of North America. No. 124. Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences Publ.; Washington: The American Ornithologists’ Union Publ., pp. 1–28. (In English)

Sangster, G., Collinson, J. M., Knox, A. G. et al. (2007) Taxonomic recommendations for British birds: 4th report. Ibis, vol. 149, no. 4, pp. 853–857. (In English)

Volkov, S. V., Koblik, E. A. (2018) Ptitsy mira: Rekomenduemye russkie nazvaniya vidov [Birds of the world: Recommended Russian names of species]. [Online]. Available at: (accessed 12.04.2022). (In Russian)

Waterbird Populations Portal. (2022) [Online]. Available at: (accessed 12.04.2022). (In English)

Weir, D. N., Kitchener, A. C., McGowan, R. Y. (2000) Hybridization and changes in the distribution of Iceland gulls (Larus glaucoides/kumlieni/thayeri). Journal of Zoology, vol. 252, no. 4, pp. 517–530. (In English)




