New records of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from Yakutia and Far East of Russia




Dolichopodidae, Russia, Far East, Yakutia, new records


New and old material of Dolichopodidae from Yakutia and Far Eastern regions of Russia has been recently identified, and includes 69 species. Amblypsilopus bouvieri (Parent, 1927) and Dolichopus bayaticus Negrobov, 1976 are found in Russia for the first time. Dolichopus uralensis Stackelberg, 1930 is recorded in the Far East, being probably the second reliable finding after description. Dolichopus hilaris Loew, 1862, Neurigona grossa Negrobov, 1987 and Poecilobothrus flaveolus (Negrobov et Chalaya, 1987) are new for the Kurile Islands. Six species are firstly recorded from the Amur Region, four from the Khabarovsky Territory, four from the Kamchatka Territory, two from Yakutia, one from Chukotka and one from the Jewish Region. This paper provides also distribution pattern for each collected species.


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