The death of fish in the Bureya River system during autumn migration
fish death, autumn downstream migration, subchannel, night frosts, drying out, Bureya RiverAbstract
A case of mass death of fish on 1–2 October 2020 in the subchannel mouth of the Bureya River on the territory of the Bureya Natural State Reserve is reported. 69 dead specimens of five species, mainly juveniles, were found: Cottus szanaga (36 specimens), Thymallus grubii (17), Phoxinus phoxinus (13), Brachymystax tumensis (2), and Lota lota (1). The death occurred as a result of a decrease in the air temperature in the catchment over the previous 2 days to –6–7°C, which led to a sharp drop in water and partial drying of the subchannel.
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