A list of the Sciomyzidae, Fanniidae and Muscidae (Diptera) of Mordovia


  • Nikita E. Vikhrev Zoological Museum of Moscow University
  • Mikhail N. Esin Joint Directorate of the Mordovian State Nature Reserve named after P. G. Smidovich and Smolny National Park
  • Maria O. Yanbulat Zoological Museum of Moscow University
  • Alexandr B. Ruchin Joint Directorate of the Mordovian State Nature Reserve named after P. G. Smidovich and Smolny National Park https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2653-3879




fauna, Mordovia, Sciomyzidae, Fanniidae, Muscidae


Mordovia is a lowland region of Russia located 400–500 km South-East-East of Moscow. There were very few published data on the Mordovian fauna of the Diptera families considered in this paper. The present work is mostly based upon material collected during the field season 2020. Now we offer a list of Mordovian fauna which includes 35 species of Sciomyzidae, 23 Fanniidae and 141 Muscidae, a total of 199 species, 178 of which are first recorded for Mordovia. New synonym is offered: Pherbellia brunnipes Meigen, 1838 = P. stackelbergi Elberg, 1965, syn. nov.


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