On the fauna of Gelechiid moths from Omsk Region





Gelechiid moths, fauna, new finds, Omsk Region


An annotated list of Gelechiid moths from Omsk Region including 70 species from 38 genera with detailed information on the localities, the time of collection, and the biotopes where the specimens were captured is presented for the first time. The list is prepared on the basis of the materials collected in 2008–2018 in 16 districts of Omsk Region and in the city of Omsk with comprehensive coverage of the natural zones of the region: the forest zone in the north, the forest-steppe zone in the central part, and the steppe zone in the south. The current list was prepared following the Catalogue of Lepidoptera of Russia, published at the end of 2019, with a view to providing more detailed information on the new faunistic finds in the South West-Siberian region numbering 36 species from 23 genera, and 6 species were recorded in Siberia for the first time — Pyncostola bohemiella (Nickerl, 1864), Monochroa inflexella Svensson, 1992, M. schistacea M. Omelko et N. Omelko, 2017, Brachmia blandella (Fabricius, 1798), Helcystogramma albinervis (Gerasimov, 1929), H. arulensis (Rebel, 1929). In addition, the species Gelechia repetitrix Meyrick, 1931, described from Turkey and hitherto known from the type locality only, is reported for the fauna of Russia for the first time.



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