
  • V.A. Dugintsov "Amuro-Ussuriysk Center for Biodiversity of Birds"
  • A.I. Antonov The state nature reserve "Khingansky"
  • M.S. Babykina The state nature reserve "Khingansky"
  • W. Heim Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Muenster




Eurasian Сoot, Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758, breeding population, Amur region


We present an overview of the distribution of the Eurasian Сoot Fulica atra in the Amur region during past centuries. The drastic population decline of this species, leading to extinction of the breeding population in the end of 1980-s or early 1990-s, was documented by long-term waterfowl monitoring. Recent quantitative data suggests a positive population trend of the Eurasian coot since the 2010-s. We discuss possible reasons for its decline in the past and its consecutive recovery in recent years.



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