
  • A.M. Prokofiev Institute for Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences



Hopliini, Ectinohoplia, Hoplia, Thoracoplia gen. nov., classification, new taxa, identification key


An overview of the genus Ectinohoplia is presented. Five new species (E. caelaminis, E. chlorophylla, E. chocolata, E. dikobraza and E. papa spp. nov.) and one new subspecies (E. suturalis hongiaoensis ssp. nov.) are described. Six species groups are defined for 39 species, 7 species are not assigned to any group. Hoplia egregia and H. jucunda are transferred to Ectinohoplia; validity of E. tonkinensis is reassigned; status of E. yoi is downgraded to subspecies of E. suturalis; two species (E. formosana and E. tibialis) are treated as species inquirendae. A new genus, Thoracoplia gen. nov., is erected for E. pictipes and E. kuatunensis. Three new synonyms are established: E. indica = E. squamigera, E. nitidiventris = E. affinis, E. scutellata = T. pictipes. The synonymy of Hoplia dombrowskii and E. nitidicauda is also suspected. Female of T. kuatunensis is described for the first time. The identification keys for the genera Ectinohoplia and Thoracoplia are presented.


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