
  • O.P. Negrobov Voronezh State University
  • T. Kumazawa Osaka Museum of Natural History
  • T. Tago
  • O.O. Maslova Voronezh State Pedagogical University



Dolichopodidae, Dolichopus, Japan, fauna, new records, lectotype


Three species of Dolichopodidae are recorded from Japan for the first time: Dolichopus bigeniculatus Parent, 1926, D. kuznezovi Negrobov et al., 2012, and D. triangularis Smirnov, 1948. The lectotype of Dolichopus triangularis Smirnov, 1948 is designated and morphological characters of the hypopygium are illustrated for the first time. The photos of the species: Dolichopus bigeniculatus Parent, 1926, Dolichopus kuznezovi Negrobov et al., 2012, Dolichopus mediovenus Negrobov, 1977, and Dolichopus triangularis Smirnov, 1948 are given for the first time.


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Negrobov O.P., Radionova S.Ju., Maslova O.O., Selivanova O.V., 2005. Key to the males of the Palearctic species of the genus Dolichopus Latr. (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) // International Journal of Dipterological Research. 16 (2). P. 133-146.

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