Lactate and heat shock proteins (HSP) accumulation at acute temperature stress in Baikalian thermosensitive Eulimnogammarus vittatus and Eulimnogammarus marituji (Crustacea, Amphipoda)


  • V. V. Pavlichenko Irkutsk State University
  • Z. M. Shatilina Иркутский государственный университет
  • D. S. Bedulina Иркутский государственный университет
  • M. V. Protopopova Иркутский государственный университет
  • E. A. Sapozhnikova Irkutsk State University
  • D. V. Axenov-Gribanov Irkutsk State University
  • B. K. Baduev Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry SB RAS
  • M. A. Timofeyev Irkutsk State University



Baikal, thermal stress, amphipods, lactate, heat shock proteins


Estimation of lactate metabolism and HSP level under influence of temperature stress (25 оС) in Baikalian endemic amphipods was made. Two species from Lake Baikal - Eulimnogammarus vittatus (Dyb., 1874) and Eulimnogammarus marituji Baz., 1945 were used in experiments. Heat shock proteins from HSP70 and sHSP families were chosen as stress markers. The general tendency to the increasing of HSP70, sHSP and lactate levels was found in all investigated species. It may be considered that HSP70 and sHSP take part in thermoresistance mechanisms in the investigated amphipod species. The hypotheses on the possible reasons of lactate level changes at temperature stress in the investigated amphipod species were discussed.


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