Description of two new nematoda species of the genus Bolbolaimus Cobb, 1920 (Nematoda, Desmodorida) from littoral of Soutch China sea at coast of Vietnam


  • Vladimir G. Gagarin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Nguyen Vu Thanh Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnamese Academy of Sciences and Technology



Vietnam, South China Sea, free-living nematodes, Bolbolaimus parvus sp. nov., Bolbolaimus brevis sp. nov.


Illustrated description of two new nematode species of the genus Bolbolaimus Cobb, 1920, found in ground of littoral of South China Sea at coast of Vietnam. B. parvus sp. nov. is similar in the body length to B. abebei Muthumbi, Vincx, 1999 and B. bahari Muthumbi, Vincx, 1999. It differs from first species by thicker body, relatively longer tail, shorter cephalic setae and longer gubernaculums. From B. bahari it differs by slightly further from the anterior body end located amphidial fovea, non-ornamented cuticle, shorter spicules and longer gubernaculums. B. brevis sp. nov. is similar in the body length to B. abebei Muthumbi, Vincx, 1999 and B. parvus sp. nov. It differs from first species by thicker body, relatively longer pharynx, relatively shorter tail, shorter spicules and longer gubernaculum. From B. parvus sp. nov. it differs by shorter tail, longer cephalic setae and shorter spicules.



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Zograf, J. K., Pavlyuk, O. N., Trebukhova, Y. A., Nguyen Dinh Tu (2017) Revision of the genus Parasphaerolaimus (Nematoda: Sphaerolaimidae) with description of new species. Zootaxa, vol. 4232, no. 1, pp. 58–70. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4232.1.4 (In English)






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