A malacological study of the Ukok Plateau lakes





Altai, Ukok Plateau, molluscs, Ampullaceana lagotis, Lake Ukok, Lake Kaldzhin-Kul, isolates


The article reports on the results of an interdisciplinary scientific expedition to the Ukok Plateau of the Kosh-Agachsky District, Altai Republic, Russia, that took place in August 2021. Freshwater molluscs were collected from the lakes Ukok and Kaldzhin-Kul. The morphological and molecular genetic analyses show that the snails collected from the two lakes are of the Ampullaceana lagotis species. However, the study identified a range of morphological and genetic differences between the molluscs from the two different lakes. This indicates that they represent isolates. In addition, the lack of intrapopulation variability in A. lagotis molluscs may indicate a relatively recent settlement of these snails in the lakes Ukok and Kaldzhin-Kul.


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