The use of window traps for studying the beetle fauna (Coleoptera) of the Oka Nature Reserve (Ryazan Oblast)




fauna, research methodology, phenology, flight dynamics, biodiversity hotspots


Beetles (Coleoptera) are a highly diverse taxonomic group that plays a key role in ecosystems. During the research on the territory of the Oka Nature Reserve (Ryazan Oblast), 95 species of beetles from 37 families were collected using window traps. The collected material is dominated by five species: Strophosoma capitatum (Curculionidae) — 18.3%, Nicrophorus vespilloides (Staphylinidae) — 11.6%, two species of click beetles (Elateridae) — Selatosomus cruciatus (11.4%) and Dalopius marginatus (9.6%), and scarab beetles species Serica brunnea (Scarabaeidae) — 5.5%. In the collections gathered over the two years, the following families prevail by the number of species (S) and specimens (N): Elateridae (S —11, N —129), Cerambycidae (S — 11, N — 24), Nitidulidae (S — 7, N — 10), Scarabaeidae (S — 6, N — 35), Curculionidae (S — 5, N — 89), and Staphylinidae (S — 5, N — 58). During the observation period, beetles flight activity reached two peaks throughout the country. One of them was in May (175 individuals in 2021), the other in July (181 individuals in 2022). To conclude, a general decline in abundance and species diversity was observed at all sites over the two years of research.



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