The Assessing the natal dispersal in Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771 using translactal marking: A case study
Apodemus agrarius, Striped Field Mouse, natal dispersal, immigration, translactal marking, tetracyclineAbstract
The magnitude of the Striped Field Mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771) natal dispersal was assessed through the percentage of immigrants among young individuals that recently emerged in the area of individual marking. The immigrants were identified by the absence of a tetracycline mark. This mark was formed translactally (via maternal milk) only in those animals who were fed by resident mothers, which received the marker along with bait in the livetraps at the experimental plot. In the examined population of A. agrarius, the value of the natal dispersal was about 40% of the recently emerged young individuals. We found a tendency for young animals born in the experimental area to have lower body mass compared to immigrants. The threshold body mass at the beginning of dispersal of young individual was estimated at 12.4 g.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Oleg V. Tolkachev, Ekaterina A. Malkova, Kirill V. Maklakov, Ivan A. Kshnyasev

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