Zooplankton communities in geotechnogenic water bodies
rorifers, copepods, cladocerans species diversity, quantitative indicators, water manifestations of ore depositsAbstract
The article explores species diversity and structure of zooplankton in geotechnogenic water bodies. Geotechnogenic water bodies were formed as a result of mining by enterprises located in the Zabaykalsky Krai. The surveyed water bodies are different in morphometric and hydrochemical parameters. According to the pH gradient, six groups of water bodies have been distinguished. They range from strongly acidic to alkaline. The species composition includes from 2 (strongly acidic waters) to 82 (slightly alkaline waters) taxa. The total abundance varies from 69.01±20.03 ×1000 ind./m3 (slightly alkaline waters) to 157.76±63.61 ×1000 ind./m3 (alkaline waters). The biomass is from 70.33±17.80 mg/m3 (strongly acidic/acidic waters) to 977.95±563.66 mg/m3 (neutral waters). Rotifera and juvenile Cyclopoida are found to be numerically abundant. According to the diversity indexes, water bodies have been classified from meso- and eutrophictypes with high species diversity and evenness of zooplankton (water bodies of the Baleyskoe and Sherlovogorskoe deposits) to characteristics indicating extreme environmental conditions (water bodied of the Taseevskoe and Zhipkoshinskoe deposits).
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