Ecological and faunistic analysis fish trematodes of the Mingechevir Reservoir
Mingechevir Reservoir, fish, piscivorous birds, parasites, trematodes, species compositionAbstract
Before the reported study, the data on fish trematodes of the Mingechevir Reservoir were practically non-existent. The parasitological study was conducted in the Mingechevir Reservoir from 2016 to 2022. In total, the study covered 341 fish belonging to 25 and found 26 species of trematodes. Of these, 9 species complete their lifecycle in fish, and 17 species in piscivorous birds. The study also found that the trematode fauna of various trophic groups of fish depends on the composition of fish food. The fauna of fish trematodes was richer in the areas located at the mouths of the rivers flowing into the reservoir, and to a lesser extent in the area near the exit of the Kura River from the reservoir. In more remote areas, the trematode fauna was much less diverse. Of all the noted trematodes, eight species are pathogens of fish diseases and one species is dangerous to humans.
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