The beetles (Coleoptera) in nests of hollow-nesting birds in the south-east of Western Siberia (Tomskaya Region)




new records, birds diet, nutrition, Ficedula hypoleuca, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Ischnodes sibiricus, Aplocnemus nigricornis


The beetles (Coleoptera) are one of the most diverse groups of invertebrates from nests of hollow-nesting birds. During the research in the south-east of Western Siberia (Tomsk), 50 samples of entomological material from nests of three bird species (Ficedula hypoleuca, Parus major and Phoenicurus phoenicurus) were collected. In the nests of two bird species, 40 species of Coleoptera from 18 families were recorded. No beetles were found in Parus major nests. Among beetles, the main part of taxa (97.2%) is represented by food remains. In the nests (and food) of Ficedula hypoleuca in the conditions of Tomskaya Region, ground beetles (Carabidae) predominate, their share was 43.8%. Two species of nidicols were discovered: Gnathoncus buyssoni (Histeridae) and Dermestes undulatus (Dermestidae). Interesting findings include rare species Otho sphondyloides (Eucnemidae) and Ischnodes sibiricus (Elateridae). Also, the species Aplocnemus nigricornis (Melyridae) is indicated for the first time for the Asian part of the Palaearctic, Siberia and the Tomskaya Region.



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