Comparative characterization of the ecology of native (Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata) and invasive (Leptinoatrsa decemlineata) species under the conditions of the monsoon climate in the southern part of the Russian Far East




infestation, native species, ontogeny, potato ladybird beetle, Colorado potato beetle, ecological niche


The Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) invaded the trophic niche already taken by the potato ladybird beetle (Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata). This was one of the factors influencing the effectiveness of its naturalization in the region. The potato ladybird beetle significantly differs in its biological characteristics from the Colorado potato beetle. First, it is a polyphage with a broad host range. Second, it migrates between feeding and overwintering sites. Third, it is able to self-regulate its population density. Fourth, it has higher reproduction and net consumption rates. All this gives the native species H. vigintioctomaculata an ecological advantage over L.decemlineata. Moreover, when invading the south of the Russian Far East, the Colorado potato beetle has to adapt to environmental and climaticconditions that are drastically different from those in its native and secondary habitats.



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