Role of Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata Motschulsky, 1858 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in the transmission of potato viruses




plant viruses, potato, phytophages, insect vectors, imago


The potato ladybird beetle Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata plays an important role in the agriculture of Primorsky Kray as a dangerous pest of agricultural crops. Our research was carried out in Primorsky Kray in 2019–2022. In the course of the experiment, 55 insects were analyzed, 25% of which were vivisected to separate out the head with mouthparts, legs, and intestines. All specimens were tested for viral infection by RT-PCR. The total RNA was isolated using PhytoSorb (Syntol Llc) commercial kits for the extraction of nucleic acids from plant material and KingFisher Flex (ThermoScientific) benchtop automated extraction instrument with magnetic particles. The research detected the following potato viruses in the bodies of the potato ladybird beetles collected in nature: PLRV, PSTVd, PVS, PVY, and PVM. Potato viruses X and A were not found. Potato viruses S and M were dominant in terms of quantity. PVM, PVS, and PVY were common for the beetles without the heads. Only potato virus S was found on the mouthparts and in the intestines of the analyzed beetles. This fact contradicts the suggestion of E.G. Lebedeva that PVX can be transmitted with excrements. The beetles without the legs contained all of the abovementioned viruses except PVM and PVS. This indicates that these viruses are transmitted mechanically in potato agroecosystems. Analyzing the ontogenetic stages of the potato ladybird beetle established the following facts: egg masses collected from filter paper (to exclude the possibility of contamination) contained PVY and PVS. Larvae were vectors of PVY and PVS as well. Additionally, a weak positive signal was detected for PSTVd, which could be explained by the absence of virus-free food source and an uneven distribution of plant viruses in a potato population. PLRV, PVM, PVS, PVY, and PVX were detected in the bodies of pupae. Newly emerged imagines contained only PVY and PVX. It was established that PVY remained in the bodies of insects throughout their life cycle and could be transmitted from one generation to the next. The obtained data demonstrate the circulation of PVY in the hemolymph of the potato ladybird beetle.



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