Role of potato immune factors in the trophic responses of Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata Motschulsky, 1858




potato ladybird, fattening nutrition, leaf plate thickness, trichomes, immunity, Primorsky Region


Varieties with group and complex resistance to harmful organisms should be characterized by immunogenetic mechanisms that perform a barrier function in the development of plants by biotrophs as a source of nutrition and habitat. The aim of the work was to study the influence of immunity factors (laminar thickness, number of trichomes) of potato varieties on food preferences and stress level of the potato ladybug. The experiments were carried out on larvae and adults of the potato ladybird Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata. We studied the influence of potato varietal characteristics on the voracity of potato ladybug larvae as well as trophic reactions of the potato ladybug to potato varieties. In the course of the study, the imago of the potato ladybug chose Smak, Kazachok and Dachny varieties for feeding. Belmonda was not chosen by any beetle; nutrition was not noted on the leaves. The smallest number of adult potato ladybirds was recorded on Red Lady, Labella, Sante, Lilly and Yubilyar varieties. The study of fattening nutrition showed that the maximum weight of pupae was noted for Smak (54.38 mg) and Yubilyar (41.5 mg). The minimum weight was for Belmonda (12.28 mg). The highest level of stress was demonstrated by larvae feeding on plants of Belmonda, Queen Anne, Lilly, Dachny, Kazachok, Yubilyar and Avgustin varieties, while the smallest — on Smak. As a result of the research, it was found that the variety and its morphogenetic feature are the main limiting factors when choosing a food source and habitat for insects.



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