Species composition and quantitative indicators of rotifers and crustaceans in the middle and lower streams of the Amazar River (Zabaikalskiy Kray)
rotifers, crustaceans, species composition, ecological and geographical characteristics, number, biomass, the Amazar RiverAbstract
According to the data obtained from 2011 and 2018 research, the diversity of rotifers and crustaceans in the Amazar River (middle and lower streams) is represented by 33 species. According to ecological and geographical characteristics the species composition mostly includes widespread and eurytopic species. Quantitative indicators vary within 0.02–203.47 103 ind./m3 and 0.02–378.85 mg/m3. Our studies have shown low diversity and density of river meiofauna associated with the features of landscape and hydrological conditions.
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