Taxonomic composition and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates of the Lake Areyskoye




zoobenthos, composition, diversity, Thienemanniola ploensis, Agraylea sexmaculata, Propsilocerus acamusi, Transbaikalia, Lake Areyskoye, Main divide of the Earth


The continental divide and the border between the Palearctic and Sino-Indian zoogeographic regions passes through the mountain systems of the Transbaikalia region. During the Pleistocene period, this territory became suitable for the migration of hydrobionts across the divide and their survival in refugiums. The zoobenthos of reservoirs in this watershed territory remains little studied. Part of the Amur basin, the lake Areyskoye is located near the continental divide. Studies of its zoobenthos composition and diversity were carried out in 2019-2020. The study found 52 taxa in the zoobenthos of the Lake Areyskoye, of which 38% are chironomids. The majority (93%) of zoobenthos species inhabit the littoral zone of the lake up to a depth of 3.6–4.0 meters. Here, taxonomic abundance of zoobenthos reaches 20 taxa/0.025 m2. It evenly decreases with an increase in depth. Chironomids Thienemanniola ploenensis, known from western Europe and eastern China, have been found in the lake. Caddisfly Agraylea sexmaculata was first found in the Amur River basin. Сhironomids Propsilocerus acamusi and mollusk Physa hankensis inhabiting the Amur basin are also found in the territory near the Western border of their range. The complex composition of the zoobenthos of the Lake Areyskoye is due to the location of the lake in a mountainous area at the junction of large watersheds and faunas. The appearance of the giant Transbaikalia paleolake at the maximum stage of the Samara glaciation and the appearance of a strait through the Main divide of the Earth at the site of the Lake Areyskoye could create refugia and encourage the development of species in the lake with a disjunction areal in Eurasia.



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