More on the hibernation of bats in Southeastern Transbaikalia




Zabaikalsky krai, Chiroptera, hibernation, caves, fauna


There is an obvious dearth of research on the hibernation of bats in Southeastern Transbaikalia, the neighboring areas of Transbaikalia, eastern Mongolia and Inner Mongolia of China (Daurian ecoregion). In the early spring of 2022-2023, in the steppe part of the region, we explored four caves potentially suitable for the hibernation of bats. In the Hetei caves, the most visited by tourists, bats were not found. Several years before the study (from 2 to 3 years), the Dyrbulkeyskaya cave was noted for the death of bats (97% of Ognev's long-eared bat Plecotus ognevi). In the largest Soktui-Milozanskaya cave, more than 200 individuals of three species were observed hibernating: Plecotus ognevi, Myotis petax, M. davidii. The hibernating Eastern water bat M. petax (79%) dominates the Soktui-Milozanskaya cave. For the first time, the hibernation of the David's myotis M. davidii in Southeastern Transbaikalia was proven. It indicates the absence of long-distance seasonal migrations of this species in the region. The wintering of the northern bat Eptesicus nilssonii in the caves of the forest-steppe and taiga zone of the east of Transbaikalia was established only due to the polling data.



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