Features of the multi-year number of the number in the populations of the forest lemming (Myopus schisticolor Liljeborg, 1844): Cyclicity


  • Alexander D. Mironov Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
  • Lev N. Erdakov Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences




Myopus schisticolor Liljeborg, population cycles, time sequence, spectrum analysis


The chronoecological structure of the long-term course of abundance in several forest lemming populations living from Western Finland to Western Siberia is described, and the cyclical nature of their dynamics is revealed. The spectra of perennial fluctuations in the numbers of forest lemming in different areas were constructed, and the populations were visually compared in spectral patterns. The features of the rhythm spectra of the numbers of forest lemmings are concentrated in the ratio of the powers of the same harmonic components in different populations. Most likely, differences in power may mean adaptation to specific habitat conditions. In each habitat adjustment occurs to one of the existing local cycles, hence the differences in power. In each of the observed lemming populations there is a cyclical nature close to any harmonic component of the Scandinavian global index.



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