New records of rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) for Orenburg Oblast




new records, fauna, distribution, biodiversity, Ural Region, Southern Urals, Orenburg Oblast


The paper discusses ten species from the annotated list of the family Staphylinidae. It is the first time they have been recorded for the territory of the Orenburg Oblast. Four species (Aleochara tristis, Acrotona nigerrima, Anotylus pumilus and Oxytelus piceus) are recorded for the first time from the Urals Region, and two species (Carpelimus elongatulus and Philonthus rectangulus) for the Southern Urals. Paederus riparius and Philonthus quisquiliarius are recorded as additional material from the territory of the Perm Krai for the first time.



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