New records of Lepidoptera from the Arkhangelsk Region, Russia




Boloria frigga, Erebia disa, Anarta melanopa, Gynaephora selenitica, biodiversity, European North


The Lepidoptera fauna of the Arkhangelsk Region (except the Arctic archipelagos) contains 1,188 species. In this article, we report on the first records of four species, Boloria frigga (Thunberg, 1791), Gynaephora selenitica (Esper, 1789), Sympistis heliophila (Paykull, 1793), and Anarta melanopa (Thunberg, 1791), from the Arkhangelsk Region. Additionally, we present the northernmost records of 12 species of Lepidoptera for this region, part of which are the first records for the Mezen District of the Arkhangelsk Region. We also confirm the presence of Erebia disa (Thunberg, 1791), which is known by one record made over a hundred years ago in the Arkhangelsk Region.



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