Coccidial fauna of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus colchicus)
oosyst, Eimeria, Eimeria phasiani, E. duodenalis, E. colchici, Phasianus colchicus colchicus, Isospora sp.Abstract
Coprological examination of pheasants (Phasianus colchicus colchicus) in different age groups kept in cages in Absheron (Azerbaijan) found Eimeria colchicine, E. Phasiani and E. duodenalis species of genus Eimeria and Isospora spp. of genus Isospora. Two species of genus Eimeria (E. colchici and E. duodenalis) were found in faecal samples of 1–30 day old pheasants, three species of genus Eimeria (E.colchici, E.duodenalis and E.phasiani) — in 31–120 day old birds, one species of genus Isospora (Isospora sp.) and three species of genus Eimeria (E.colchici, E.duodenalis and E.phasiani) — in pheasants over 120 days of age. Generally, three species of genus Eimeria and one genus Isospora were found in pheasants in Azerbaijan. In about 60 pheasants studied, eimeria oocysts were found in 54.5% of 11 pheasants aged 1–30 days, in 66.67% of 18 pheasants aged 31–120 days, and in 82.3% of 41 pheasants over 120 days of age. Infection extensiveness of Isospora spp. among pheasants aged 31–60 days was 5.56% and Isospora sp. was found in 1.67% of the birds studied. No infection with a single species was detected; the invasion found was in the form of a mixed invasion. Among infected birds, Eimeria colchici occured most frequently (86.67%), followed by Eimeria duodenalis (77.33%) and Eimeria phasiani (33.33%). The overall infection extensiveness of pheasants with eimeria was very high — 86.67%.
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