Amphipyra tripartita Butler, 1878 — new species for the fauna of Russia and other Noctuidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera), found in Gamov peninsula in September 2022




Noctuidae, Amphipyra tripartita, Primorie, fauna, phenology, autumn period


The list of 43 Noctuidae species found by E. V. Komarov on the Gamova Peninsula in the Khasansky district of Primorsky area in September 2022 is given. The collecting was conducted at light on the outskirts of the Vityaz village near an artificial pond and in a broad-leaved forest on the northern slope of Mount Tumannaya. One species — Amphipyra tripartita Btl. — was listed for the fauna of Primorsky region and Russia for the first time. Five species — Oligonyx vulnerata Btl., Cryphia bryophasma Brsn., C. griseola Nagano, Stenoloba assimilis Warr. and Hadena aberrans Ev. — discovered in the autumn period for the first time.



Кононенко, В. С. (1977) Обзор осенних и весенних видов совок (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Южного Приморья. Энтомологическое обозрение, т. 56, вып. 2, с. 326–333.

Матов, А. Ю., Кононенко, В. С., Свиридов, А. В. (2019) Noctuidae. В кн.: Синёв С. Ю. (ред.). Каталог чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) России. 2-е изд. СПб.: Зоологический институт РАН, с. 320–370.

Kononenko, V. S., Ahn, S. B., Ronkay, L. (1998) Illustrated catalogue of Noctuidae in Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park K. T. (ed.). Insects of Korea. Series 3. Korea: CIS, 509 p.


Kononenko, V. S. (1977) Obzor osennikh i vesennikh vidov sovok (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) Yuzhnogo Primor’ya [A review of Autumn and Spring species of Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) from Southern Primorye territory]. Entomologicheskoye Obozreniye — Entomological Review, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 326–333. (In Russian)

Kononenko, V. S., Ahn, S. B., Ronkay, L. (1998) Illustrated catalogue of Noctuidae in Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park K. T. (ed.). Insects of Korea. Series 3. Korea: CIS, 509 p.

Matov, A. Yu., Kononenko, V. S., Sviridov, A. V. (2019) Noctuidae. In: S. Yu. Sinev (ed.) Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Russia. 2nd ed. Saint Petersburg: Zoological Insitute of Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 320–370. (In Russian)




