Sensitivity of caterpillars of t Sensitivity of caterpillars of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar, Erebidae) from the South of Khabarovsk Territory to various strains of nuclear polyhedrosis virus




gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, nuclear polyhedrosis virus, infectious load, mortal period, incubation period


The article discusses data on the effect of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) on gypsy moth caterpillars of the Far Eastern population. In particular, the article provides data on the dynamics of caterpillar mortality under laboratory conditions under different viral load of four NPV strains: Kyrgyz, Japanese, Krasnodar, and Siberian. The difference in the duration of the incubation period of a strain and infectious load has not been established. The maximum virulence was observed for the strain Kyrgyz (about 96% at the maximum titer). The duration of the mortal period differed for all tested strains. The indicator L50 was achieved for all infectious loads of the Kyrgyz and Krasnodar strains. The maximum daily mortality was detected at the maximum infectious loads of the Kyrgyz and Japanese strains (29.7% and 39.9%, respectively) on the second day of the mortal period.



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