Insecta: Diptera, Culicidae: Additions and corrections to Mosquitoes of the World by Wilkerson et al. (2021)
Diptera, Culicidae, mosquitoes, catalogue, omitted taxa, added taxa, taxonomic refinements, Siberia, RussiaAbstract
The article analyses the data on Siberian and Far Eastern mosquitoes presented in Mosquitoes of the World (Wilkerson et al., 2021), the newest catalog of blood-sucking mosquitoes of the world's fauna. The new edition was found to contain several annoying errors. As a results, we propose 40 additions and corrections, of which 23 concern the taxonomic part of the catalog and 17 bibliography and alphabetical index; to verify the taxonomic information, primary literature sources containing the descriptions of relevant mosquito taxa were consulted. The most important taxonomic additions and corrections are listed below; the genus Culex Linnaeus, 1758 was supplemented with one forgotten species — Culex sibiricus Kiseleva, 1936 [nomen dubium, stat. nov.]. Once it was described, it was not included in either Soviet or foreign catalogs of mosquitoes; in the genus Culex Linnaeus, 1758, the synonymy of five taxa of the subgeneric rank was established: subgenus Lasioconops Theobald, 1903 stat. rest. = Pseudo-Heptaphlebomyia Ventrillon, 1905 syn. nov.; = Trichopronomyia Theobald, 1905 syn. nov.; = Aporoculex Theobald, 1907 syn. nov.; = Oculeomyia Theobald, 1907 syn. nov.; in the subgenus Culicella Felt, 1904, the status of three taxa is downgraded to the subspecies Culiseta (Culicella) ochroptera (Peus, 1935): Culiseta (Culicella) ochroptera nipponica La Casse et Yamaguti, 1950 stat. nov.; Culiseta (Culicella) ochroptera minnesotae Barr, 1957 stat. nov.; Culiseta (Culicella) ochroptera amurensis Maslov, 1964 stat. nov.
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Tanaka, K. (2004) Studies on the pupal mosquitoes of Japan (11). Subgenera Oculeomyia (stat. nov.) and Sirivanakarnius (nov.) of the genus Culex, with a key of pupal mosquitoes from Ogasawara-gunto (Diptera: Culicidae). Medical Entomology and Zoology, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 217–231.
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Theobald, F. V. (1907) A monograph of the Culicidae or mosquitoes. Vol. IV. London: British Museum (Natural History) Publ., pp. 1–639.
Ventrillon, E. (1905) Culicides nouveaux de Madagascar. Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 427–431.
Wilkerson, R. C., Linton, Y. M., Strickman, D. (2021) Mosquitoes of the World. Vol. 1-2. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1332 p.
Dahl, C., White, G. B. (1978). Culicidae. In: Illies, J. (ed.). Limnofauna Europaea. A checklist of the animals inhabiting European inland waters, with accounts of their distribution and ecology (except protozoa). 2nd ed. Stuttgart; New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag, pp. 390–395. (In English)
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Tanaka, K. (2004) Studies on the pupal mosquitoes of Japan (11). Subgenera Oculeomyia (stat. nov.) and Sirivanakarnius (nov.) of the genus Culex, with a key of pupal mosquitoes from Ogasawara-gunto (Diptera: Culicidae). Medical Entomology and Zoology, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 217–231. (In English)
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Theobald, F. V. (1903b) A monograph of the Culicidae or mosquitoes. Vol. III. London: British Museum (Natural History) Publ., pp. 1–359. (In English)
Theobald, F. V. (1905) A catalogue of the Culicidae in the Hungarian National Museum, with descriptions of new genera and species. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 61–119. (In English)
Theobald, F. V. (1907) A monograph of the Culicidae or mosquitoes. Vol. IV. London: British Museum (Natural History) Publ., pp. 1–639. (In English)
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Wilkerson, R. C., Linton, Y. M., Strickman, D. (2021) Mosquitoes of the World. Vol. 1-2. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1332 p. (In English)
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