Ciliates of fresh waters and soils of the Greater Caucasus (within Azerbaijan)




ciliates, freshwater, soil, species diversity, the Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan


Based on the collected long-term material from 6 permanent sample points, in the vicinity of which samples were taken from water bodies and forest soils of the Greater Caucasus (within Azerbaijan), 163 species of free-living ciliates belonging to 4 classes, 18 orders, and 44 families have been found. In 2012–2015, 450 samples were collected from freshwater bodies and more than 570 soil samples. The cluster analysis of similarity (Bray, Curtis 1957) was used to assess the general species diversity of various sample points. The greatest species diversity (111 species) was noted in Ismayilli; 93 species were found in Pirguli sample points, 77 species in Altiagach and Shemakha each, 76 in Zakatala and 73 in Cuba, which is the minimum number of species observed. The greatest similarity in species composition was observed between Zagatala and Pirguli (68.5%), then Cuba (66,65%) and Altyagach sample point (62,23%). These sample points compose the first cluster. The second cluster consisted of Shamakha and Ismayilli, with a 56,37% similarity. The similarity of the first and second clusters was 55,65%. The analysis of the ratio (by occurrence in samples) of the main groups of free-living ciliates of aquatic and soil biotopes at six studied sample points was carried out. It has been established that depending on environmental factors, first of all temperature, humidity and food resources, the affiliation of various ciliates species to a particular group can vary, i.e. dominant species after changing environmental conditions can become subdominant and even secondary. Thus, the data obtained may undergo certain changes during the course of seasonal succession.



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