A new record of the northern birch mouse Sicista betulina (Pallas, 1779) in the north of the Arkhangelsk Region (Rodentia: Sminthidae)





fauna, Arctic, mammals, biodiversity, Rodentia


Sicista betulina (Pallas, 1779) is widespread from the Alps to Lake Baikal. According to the two main reports on mammals of the world, the range of the northern birch mouse does not include the Onega Peninsula and the northern territories of the Primorsky and Mezensky Regions (Wilson et al. 2017; Burgin et al. 2020). This article records a new find of the northern birch mouse in the very north of the Arkhangelsk region in the vicinity of Koida village. This find fills the gap in the species range that extends for more than 17 thousand km2 and, therefore, confirms the continuity of its range right up to the tundra biotopes on the eastern coast of the White Sea.



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