The first record of Apodemus agrarius, Pallas, 1771 for the Norsky Nature Reserve
Apodemus agrarius, fauna, range border, Norsky Nature Reserve, the Selemdzha RiverAbstract
In 2019, two specimens of A. agrarius were caught for the first time on the territory of the Norsky Nature Reserve. The fact that the striped field mouse was collected on the territory of the reserve confirms the species’ further penetration into the taiga zone along the valley of the Selemdzha River, thereby expanding the boundaries of the striped field mouse’s range in the Amur Region by 80 km. Based on the research results, we recommend to include a new species — the field mouse (Apodemus agrarius (Pallas, 1771) in the list of the Norsky Nature Reserve fauna.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ivan M. Cheriomkin, Nikolai N. Kolobaev, Vladimir M. Javorsky
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