Lackey moth (Malacosoma neustria L., Lasiocampidae, Lepidoptera) population during the eruptive phase
Malacosoma neustria, Lackey moth, Russian Far East, population dynamics, outbreak, nuclear polyhedrosis virus, bacteriosisAbstract
The research focuses on the features of the Malacosoma neustria population in the Far East during the peak phase. We studied the possible causes of death of the insects investigating several biotic factors, i.e. parasitoids, nuclear polyhedrosis viruses, and bacteria. We found that the main causes for the population’s collapse were nuclear polyhedrosis virus and bacteriosis, which caused an estimated 90% of the total number of deaths. Single cases of death from entomopathogenic fungi were observed. No correlation was detected between the population’s phenology and weather conditions.
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