Toxic pollution assessment of Chita TPP-1 cooling reservoir by applying the method of head capsule morphological deformations in chironomid larvae




coal-fired TPP, cooling reservoir, toxic pollution, metals, Chironomus, morphological deformations, mentum, Lake Kenon


Environmental monitoring of cooling reservoirs for coal-fired power plants does not always assess their toxic pollution. The aim of the study was to assess the level of toxic pollution in Lake Kenon – Chita TPP-1 cooling reservoir, applying the method of head capsule morphological deformations. We found severe mentum deformaties in chironomid larvae genus Chironomus, such as absence of lateral teeth, fusion of lateral teeth, additional lateral teeth, distorted shape of the central tooth, absence of the median tooth, and asymmetry of the mentum. These deformities were found in the larvae collected at monitoring stations near TPP only. Herein, the occurrence of such larvae reached 24%, indicating high levels toxic pollution. In total, the occurrence of larvae with severe mentum deformities in the lake amounted to 2.4%, which corresponds to background or low toxic pollution. According to the stages of ecological crisis in ecosystems, the present state of Lake Kenon near the TPP corresponds to the stage of genetic level stress within the stage of progressing crisis. The state of the remaining part of the lake currently has not reached this stage. We assume that severe mentum deformations in chironomid larvae near the TPP were caused by water contamination with toxic elements from the power plant’s ash storage unit entering the lake with TPP wastewater. In order to prevent any further crisis developments for the Kenon ecosystem, priority environmental measures should be aimed at preventing its toxic pollution. We suggest that toxicological methods and the method of head capsule morphological deformations in chironomid larvae should be included in the ecological monitoring system of the bottom sediments and the Kenon ecosystem.



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