The ecology and distribution of wild boars (Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758) in the foothills of the Martakert Region of the Republic of Artsakh


  • Asmik Dzh. Minasyan Artsakh State University
  • Vahram T. Hayrapetyan Green Artsakh Biosphere Complex



wild boars, pigs, ecology, population, food competitors, range dynamics, artiodactyls, high fecundity


Up to this day, there is no reliable data on the ecology and biology of wild boars common in the fauna of the Republic of Artsakh. Given that wild boars are game animals, they are considered a vulnerable species. The paper presents the results of the first study in the ecology and distribution of wild boars in the foothill of the Martakert Region of the Republic of Artsakh. The territories for the study were not a random choice as they take into account both survival and stress factors. The study started in 1999 and is still on. The authors used environmental monitoring, camera traps and GPSmap 62stc to obtain data on the population, lifestyle, types of activity, ecology and biology of wild boars. The number of wild boars remains relatively stable, which is, most likely, due to their high fecundity. A massive reduction in the population of wild boars is driven by the spread of African plague, unregulated hunting, poaching, as well as deforestation and forest fires. Wild boars are mostly sedentary species. They are omnivores. The ratio of plant and animal food varies depending on the season and environmental conditions. Food competitors are represented by herbivorous mammals. Wild boars are prolific. The main danger to wild boars is posed by carnivorous mammals and humans.



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