Zooplankton structure and distribution in the hydrothermal zone of cooling reservoirs (Trans-Baikal Territory)
zooplankton, species composition, abundance, biomass, distribution, hydrothermal zone, cooling reservoirAbstract
The paper presents the research findings on zooplankton in the hydrothermal zone of two cooling reservoirs in Trans-Baikal Territory: the cooling reservoir of the Kharanorskaya SDPP, and Lake Kenon that serves as the cooling reservoir of the Chita TPP. Planktonic fauna is represented by 30 species in Lake Kenon and by 16 species in the Kharanor reservoir. The total abundance and biomass values corresponded to 147–407 × 103 ind./m3 and 715–2624 mg/m3 for the lake and 163–2245 × 103 ind./m3 and 321–15336 mg/m3 for the reservoir. Thermocyclops crassus (Copepoda) and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula (Cladocera) dominated in a lake, and Anuraeopsis fissa (Rotifera), Bosmina longirostris (Cladocera) and Thermocyclops crassus (Copepoda) were dominant in the reservoir during the peak of the water-heating period. In Lake Kenon the highest density of hydrobionts was observed in areas of rank vegetation, while in the reservoir it was the water’s edge that was most densely populated. According to the Shannon index, Lake Kenon and the Kharanor reservoir belong to the mesotrophic type and to the eutrophic type of lake, respectively. Various biotopes i.e. bottom sediments of fine fractions and a well developed vegetation belt, cause a high zooplankton species diversity in Lake Kenon. In the Kharanor reservoir a higher thermal load, a significant drawdown, a shingle bed, the absence of hydrophytes, and a heavy water exchange are the main factors hindering the development of diversity in the zooplankton community.
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